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How to know the classify the artificial leather

According to its composition: The first is PVC (polyvinyl chloride). After combustion, the products include water, carbon dioxide and chlorinated compounds, even chlorine; The second is PE (polyethylene), which only produces water and carbon dioxide theoretically after full combustion; The third, and most common, is called PU leather (polyurethane). The products after full combustion include water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and a small amount of nitrogen containing compounds. By manufacturing method: genuine leather: “Genuine leather” is a common word in the leather product market, which is a customary name for natural leather to distinguish synthetic leather. In consumers’ concept, “genuine leather” also has the meaning of non fake. Animal leather is a kind of natural leather, that is, we often say leather. It is a kind of leather material with various characteristics, strength, feel, color and pattern made of animal (raw hide) after tanning and processing in a leather factory. It is a necessary material for modern leather products. The processing process of dermal animal leather is very complex, and the finished leather needs to go through dozens of processes: raw leather – soaking – meat removal – degreasing – unhairing – soaking – alkali – swelling – lime removal – softening – pickling – tanning – layering – shaving – retanning – neutralization – dyeing – oiling – filling – drying – finishing – finishing – finished leather. There are also many kinds of leather, such as sheep leather, cattle leather, horse leather, snake leather, pig leather, crocodile leather, etc. Among them, cow hide, sheep hide and pig hide are the three major raw materials used in leather making. Regenerated leather: It is made by crushing the waste skins and leather scraps of various animals and blending chemical raw materials. Its surface processing technology is the same as that of the trimmed leather and embossed leather of genuine leather. Its characteristics are that the edges of the leather sheet are neat, the utilization rate is high, and the price is cheap; However, the leather body is generally thick and has poor strength, so it is only suitable for making affordable briefcases, pull rod bags, golf club sleeves and other finalized products and affordable belts. The fiber structure in the longitudinal section is uniform and consistent, which can identify the solidification effect of mixed fibers of liquid substances.

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